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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On Faith

1. Whatever you want, go to God by faith and prayer, in the name of Christ, and never think his delays are denials.

2. Faith is the basis of the new life, as it accepts and appropriates all that God offers; but love is the basis of the Christian character.

3. The Bible speaks of various degrees of faith; and there are different figures employed to denote the operation of this great principle. Its first and simplest act is represented as a "looking to Christ," then a "coming to Christ," a "receiving Christ," a "laying hold of Christ," a "cleaving to Christ," a "trusting in Christ." But the lowest in this scale, provided it be a real faith, gives a sinner an interest in Jesus and his salvation as well as the highest.

4. The faith of the soul is most rational when it looks to the counsels of Jesus for guidance, to his blood for purity, to his merit for acceptance, to his grace for aid, to his consolation for support, to his promises for hope, his Spirit for heavenly-mindedness.

5. Faith relies on Christ for salvation, on his blood for its purchase, on his grace for its bestowal, on his power for its completion, and on his love for its blessedness.

6. Christ alone, as having died for our sins, as having risen.again for our justification, and as now pleading for us in heaven, must be the daily, hourly object of our faith.

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