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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What I Was and Where I Am

Dear Reader: I once resided with 2 Tim. iii. 4, and walked in Eph. ii. 2; my continual conversation at that time is still recorded in Eph. ii. 3. I heard one day an inheritance had been purchased for me, and a description of it reached me. You will find it at I Peter i. 4. One who resides in Hebrew iv. 14 had purchased it, and paid an extraordinary price for it, but, to say the truth, I did not believe this report, as I was entirely unacquainted with the man; and long experience had taught me that strangers never give favors through love alone, and friends seldom give any favors that cost much. However, I called at 1 Tim. iii. 16. As my own prospects at Eph. ii. 12 were as bad as they could be, I found the house I sought for at 2 Cor. v. 1; and the invitations to it, which you will see put up at Isaiah lv. 1, 2, and John vii. 37, are wonderfully inviting to the poor and needy. The house has only one door, and it was some time before I saw the door at John x. 9. My permanent address will now be Gal. v. 1, but call any day at Heb. iv. 16 and you will meet me and many others. We are daily in the habit of meeting there. If you call, attend to what the servant says at Luke xiv. 22, and you may depend upon what the servant says.--Anon

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